Orangutan vs. Clouded Leopard

Bornean Orangutan vs. Clouded Leopard

Location and Habitat

The orangutan, a remarkable primate known for its intelligence and dexterity, primarily inhabits the lush rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. These great apes thrive in dense, tropical environments where they spend the majority of their lives in the treetops, relying heavily on the forest’s rich bounty for food and shelter. Their existence is closely tied to the health of these forested areas, making them highly susceptible to the impacts of deforestation and habitat loss.

On the other hand, the clouded leopard, a secretive and elusive feline, is found across the Himalayan foothills and through mainland Southeast Asia into China. This medium-sized cat prefers the dense, tropical and subtropical forests where it can utilize its exceptional climbing skills. The clouded leopard is highly adapted to an arboreal lifestyle, using trees for hunting and resting, although it is also comfortable navigating the forest floor. Like the orangutan, the clouded leopard faces significant threats from habitat destruction and poaching, which endanger its survival in the wild.

Orangutan vs. Clouded Leopard Comparison

Animal Size and Weight Ability to Finish Opponent Weaponry
Orangutan 4 to 5 feet tall, 73 to 180 pounds Strong, capable of overpowering with physical strength Strong arms, powerful grip
Clouded Leopard 27 to 43 inches long, 25 to 51 pounds Highly effective predator, uses stealth and agility Sharp teeth and claws, excellent climbing ability


Hunting and Skills


Orangutan vs. Clouded Leopard Who Would Win?

The orangutan uses its strength and size advantage to fend off the clouded leopard initially. The clouded leopard uses agility to dodge and make quick strikes. The orangutan attempts to grab and overpower the leopard. The clouded leopard targets vulnerable spots, but struggles to inflict serious damage due to the orangutan’s size. The fight is intense and could go either way, but the orangutan’s strength might give it a slight edge in controlling the encounter.

Winner: Orangutan with a 55% chance of winning.