Mountain Gorilla vs. Golden Monkey

Mountain Gorilla vs. Golden Monkey

Location and Habitat

The mountain gorilla, a majestic and critically endangered species, inhabits the dense forests of the Virunga Mountains, which span across Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These gorillas thrive in high-altitude montane and bamboo forests, where they have adapted to living in the cold mist at elevations ranging from 2,200 to 4,300 meters above sea level. Their habitat is characterized by thick vegetation and often challenging terrain, which provides them with the necessary cover and food sources.

On the other hand, the golden monkey, known for its striking orange-gold body fur, is found predominantly in the highland forests of the Virunga volcanic mountains. Like the mountain gorilla, the golden monkey prefers the bamboo forest zones as well as the mixed montane forests at elevations of 2,200 to 4,000 meters. These monkeys are often seen flitting through the bamboo or resting in the dense foliage, and their habitat overlaps with that of the mountain gorilla, leading to occasional interspecies interactions.

Mountain Gorilla vs. Golden Monkey Comparison

Animal Size and Weight Ability to Finish Opponent Weaponry
Mountain Gorilla 4 to 5.5 feet tall when standing, weighs 300 to 485 lbs High – Strong, powerful, capable of causing severe injuries Strong arms, sharp teeth, powerful bite
Golden Monkey About 20 inches tall, weighs 10 to 25 lbs Low – Not typically aggressive or powerful Agility, teeth


Hunting and Skills

Mountain gorillas primarily feed on vegetation such as leaves, shoots, and stems, making them predominantly herbivorous. They are not known for hunting since their diet consists largely of plant material, though they will occasionally eat small insects. Living in groups, mountain gorillas rely on their size and strength for defense, with dominant silverback males protecting the group from threats through displays of aggression and physical power.

Golden monkeys, on the other hand, are omnivorous primates that primarily eat fruit, bamboo shoots, and leaves, supplemented by invertebrates. They do not hunt other animals but forage for food in the trees of their mountainous forest habitats. When threatened, golden monkeys use their agility and the dense forest canopy as their main forms of defense, quickly escaping predators by leaping through the trees.

Mountain Gorilla vs. Golden Monkey Who Would Win?

The mountain gorilla, due to its significant size and strength advantage, would dominate the fight. The golden monkey, being much smaller and lighter, would attempt to escape rather than fight. If cornered, the golden monkey would struggle to defend itself effectively against the gorilla’s powerful arms and strength. The mountain gorilla would likely incapacitate the golden monkey quickly.

Winner: Mountain Gorilla with a 95% chance of winning.