Cheetah vs. Hyena

Cheetah vs. Hyena

Location and Habitat

The cheetah, known for its remarkable speed, primarily inhabits the savannahs and grasslands of sub-Saharan Africa. This environment allows it to utilize its incredible speed to chase down prey across vast, open landscapes. Occasionally, cheetahs can also be found in parts of North Africa and Iran, where they adapt to slightly different terrains but still prefer areas that facilitate their high-speed hunting.

On the other hand, the hyena, often misunderstood due to its scavenging habits, is more versatile in its habitat preferences. Hyenas are commonly found in savannahs, grasslands, woodlands, forest edges, sub-deserts, and mountains across Africa. The spotted hyena, which is the most widely known, is particularly adaptable and can thrive in arid regions as well as dense bushlands, making it a resilient competitor in diverse environments.

Cheetah vs. Hyena Comparison

AnimalSize and WeightAbility to Finish OpponentWeaponry
CheetahLength: 1.1 to 1.5 meters; Weight: 21 to 72 kgHigh speed for quick kills, primarily targets smaller preySharp claws, powerful jaws, high-speed chases
HyenaLength: 0.95 to 1.85 meters; Weight: 40 to 86 kgStrong bite force, capable of crushing bones, persistent in combatStrong jaws, robust teeth, endurance in hunting and fights


Hunting and Skills

Cheetahs are renowned for their incredible speed, reaching up to 60-70 mph in short bursts covering distances up to 1,500 feet, which they use to ambush or chase down prey primarily during the day. They primarily hunt medium-sized ungulates such as gazelles, impalas, and smaller hoofed animals, relying on stealth and their explosive acceleration to quickly close distances before their prey can react. In contrast, hyenas are versatile hunters and scavengers, known for their strong jaws and strategic hunting in packs. They prey on a wide range of animals, from small birds and lizards to large ungulates like wildebeest and zebras. Hyenas often use endurance and teamwork to exhaust their prey, and they are also notorious for stealing kills from other predators, including cheetahs. Hyenas defend themselves using their strong social bonds, numbers, and aggressive nature, while cheetahs rely on speed and stealth, often opting to flee from threats due to their lighter build, which is less suited for combat.

Cheetah vs. Hyena Who Would Win?

The cheetah uses its speed to make quick attacks on the hyena. The hyena, being more durable and aggressive, withstands initial strikes and counters with powerful bites. The fight is intense, with the cheetah trying to avoid close combat due to its lesser physical strength. As the battle drags on, the cheetah’s stamina wanes faster than the hyena’s. The hyena eventually overpowers the cheetah with its greater endurance and bite force.

Winner: Hyena with a 70% chance of winning.