Cheetah vs. African Wild Dog: The Speed Freak vs. The Team Player

cheetah vs wild dog

A Cheetah vs. an African Wild Dog. Both are fast, both are agile, but their hunting styles are as different as night and day. Ready to dig into this hypothetical animal duel? Let’s go!

The Competitors: Sprint Star vs. Marathon Runner

Cheetah: As we’ve already established, cheetahs are the speed demons of the African plains. They’re lightweight, built for speed, and have retractable claws that give them extra grip when they’re tearing after prey.

African Wild Dog: These canids weigh between 40 to 70 pounds and are built for endurance, not speed. They’re social animals and rely heavily on teamwork when hunting.

Daily Diets and Hunting Habits

Cheetah: Targeting smaller ungulates like gazelles and impalas, cheetahs rely on a fast sprint to get close, followed by a lunge and a bite to the throat.

African Wild Dog: They prefer medium-sized ungulates, but they’re flexible eaters and will go for larger prey if they have numbers on their side. They’re known for their endurance chases, often running prey to exhaustion.

Cheetah’s Edge: Speed and Acceleration

Zero to Sixty in a Flash

The cheetah’s unparalleled acceleration and speed make it a formidable opponent in a short chase.


Cheetahs are masters at the hit-and-run. They could, theoretically, land a good bite and then dart away before the wild dog knows what hit it.

African Wild Dog’s Strengths: Endurance and Jaws

Stamina for Days

African Wild Dogs can’t outrun a cheetah in a sprint, but they can outlast one in a marathon.

Powerful Bite

These dogs have a powerful bite for their size, designed to bring down prey and consume it quickly.

The Arena: Mixed Grassland and Bush

The setting here gives both animals room to run, but also some cover for stalking and evasion.

The Final Score: Sprinter or Endurance Runner?

Here’s how I see it:

  • Cheetah: 60%
  • African Wild Dog: 40%

This one is a bit closer. The cheetah has the speed advantage and could potentially land a solid bite before darting off. However, the wild dog’s endurance and strong bite could turn the tables if the cheetah doesn’t finish things quickly.

Special Case: What if the African Wild Dog is in a Pack?

If we’re talking about a pack of African Wild Dogs against a single cheetah, then it’s game over for the cheetah.

  • Pack of African Wild Dogs: 95%
  • Cheetah: 5%

These dogs are team players. A pack would surround, harass, and exhaust the cheetah until it’s too tired to fight back. This is where the African Wild Dog’s social structure and teamwork really shine.