Arctic Tern vs. Puffin

Arctic Tern vs. Puffin

Location and Habitat

The Arctic Tern, renowned for its remarkable migratory journey, thrives in circumpolar regions, nesting in Arctic and sub-Arctic zones before traveling to the Antarctic coast for the winter. This bird favors open habitats such as sandy coasts and rocky islands, where it can lay its eggs in shallow depressions away from predators. In contrast, the Puffin, often recognized by its colorful beak during the breeding season, primarily resides along the northern Atlantic coasts, from the United States and Canada to western Europe and the Arctic. Puffins prefer coastal cliffs and islands where they can dig burrows for nesting, spending a significant portion of their life at sea, only returning to land to breed and raise their young.

Arctic Tern vs. Puffin Comparison

Animal Size and Weight Ability to Finish Opponent Weaponry
Arctic Tern 33-39 cm in length, 86-110 g in weight Low; primarily avoids conflict Sharp beak
Puffin 25-29 cm in length, 350-500 g in weight Low; not typically aggressive Strong beak used for catching fish


Hunting and Skills

The Arctic Tern, renowned for its long migratory journey, primarily feeds on fish and small marine invertebrates, which it catches by skillfully diving into the water. It is also known to pick insects and small crustaceans off the surface of the water or from the ground. In contrast, the Puffin, with its colorful beak, is adept at catching several fish in one go, holding them crosswise in its beak while underwater. Puffins typically hunt small fish such as sand eels, herring, and capelin. Both birds are adapted to their cold environments, with the Arctic Tern using its agility to evade predators, while Puffins often nest in burrows or crevices to protect themselves from Arctic foxes and large birds of prey.

Arctic Tern vs. Puffin Who Would Win?

The Arctic Tern uses its agility to outmaneuver the Puffin. The Puffin attempts to defend with its robust body and strong beak. The Arctic Tern, being more aggressive and having a longer migration experience, shows greater stamina. The Puffin struggles to keep up due to its shorter wings and heavier build. In the end, the Arctic Tern manages to dominate the encounter through superior maneuverability and endurance.

Winner: Arctic Tern with a 70% chance of winning.